Trying to write and express my life in words.
How to Allow In-App Music Without Stopping External Playback in Your Swift iOS App
Learn how to configure your Swift app to play in-app music wihtout interepting external music.
Mocking Swipe in Playwright Testing
In this blog, we will mock Swipe in Playwright e2e tests.
Understanding .ics file with RFC 5545
In this blog, we will try to understand .ics file defined in RFC 5545 & create an event from scratch to add to google calendar.
Daytime Protocol RFC-867 in Golang
Implementing Daytime Protocol RFC-867 in Golang.
Understanding Goroutines & Channels with Ping Pong game
This blog explains Goroutines & Channels by implementing a Ping Pong game in Golang.
My Open Source Journey
From my 1st commit to contributing to 100ms, Vercel & Coronasafe here's my journey.
Building a Video chat application with Remix and 100ms
Video chat app with Remix and 100ms react sdk in less than 100 lines of code.
Gaining 19,000+ followers and building my dream project
My journey of building an audience of 19,000 followers and how I ideated and shipped my dream project
Designing my Logo
My logo is simple no curved shapes, monotonic but it has a lot of meaning in it. Here's a tiny explanation of what it means.
Found a change in next.config.js. Restart the server to see the changes in effect
Understanding how Next.js prints this message from it's source code
Welcoming Duma to Deepankar's office
After interning for 1 month, Duma would be joining Deepankar's office as the Head of support. Hear from Duma about his decision to join the office.
Fixing Next.js router query param returning undefined on initial render
If you're getting undefined query params in nextjs on the first render and want to fix it then this blog is for you.
2021 - A year in review
My life's journey of the year 2021 in my words.
How I self-hosted my own website analytics with Umami
A guide on how I setup Umami an open source alternative to Google analytics with Railway in under 5 mins
Building TailwindCSS with Sass
Minimal way to build your own TailwindCSS with Sass
Automatic scrolling for Chat app in 1 line of code + React hook
Whenever you get a new message the chat feed automatically scrolls to the bottom. This guide explains how you can do it in just 1 line of code.
Understanding never in TypeScript
Understanding 'never' in TypeScript can be quite baffling. If you're like me have had faced similar issue then this blog should be able to explain it with the help of some examples
Using CSS variables with TailwindCSS
Combine the power of TailwindCSS with the mighty CSS variables.
Building Slack huddle clone
Just over a month ago Slack unveiled a new feature called "Huddle". Slack's huddle allows the users to have audio discussions with people in their workspace and other invited users. In this guide, we will build a Slack Huddle clone using 100ms React SDK.
Building Clubhouse clone in React
In this guide we will be building a Clubhouse clone in React and using 100ms React SDKs by which you can have audio chats with your friends.
Logical assignments and thier use cases
Binary operations and conditional rendering is something we do quite frequently while building applications. This article is about logical assignment operators that were introduced in ES2021.
Truthy and Falsy
Understanding truthy and falsy the polar opposites of javascript.
Hello World!
Welcome to Deepankar's web residence.